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What is our Rental Assurance Plan?

Our Rental Assurance Plan (RAP) is a piece of mind for the customer when accidents happen. If you have an item out on rent, and it drops because you accidently knocked it off the ladder, and it breaks, we have you covered for the cost of the repair with a small deductible (more information about that is below). With out having our RAP, you as the customer would be responsible to cover the cost of the repair, and paying rent while the item was out of service for that repair. 


What if the item gets stolen? As long as you can prove that you took all measures to properly secure the rental item, and filed a police report, we will cover you for the cost of replacing that item with a small deductible (more information about that is below). Where as not having the RAP, you as the customer would be responsible for the cost of replacing that item, and paying rent until that item has been replaced. 


You have your own insurance and don't want to pay for the RAP. We can do that also, but you need to provide us with some information about your insurance first so we can keep it on file. Contact us for more information about that. 


The RAP costs 10% of the total rental rate and applies to any rental item with a value of $10,000 or less. We do NOT provide RAP for skid steers, excavators, man lifts or any other larger rental item that has a value of over $10,000.  The deductible for both repairs and equipment replacement is 10% of the repair to a maximum of $500, and 10% of the fair market value of the equipment to a maximum of $500. 

The RAP is NOT insurance and, for greater clarity, it DOES NOT modify any of the customers obligations as agreed upon by the rental contract itself. 

If you would like more information about the RAP, please don't hesitate to contact us about it. 

You can contact us by using this form:

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